Write text to the current image
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Open Source MIT License
3.1M Downloads / Month
Open Source MIT License
public Intervention\Image\Image text(string $text, [integer $x, [integer $y, [Closure $callback]]])
Write a text string to the current image at an optional x,y basepoint position. You can define more details like font-size, font-file and alignment via a callback as the fourth parameter.
The text string that will be written to the image.
x-ordinate defining the basepoint of the first character. Default: 0
y-ordinate defining the basepoint of the first character. Default: 0
Closure callback on the font object to define more optional details. Use the following methods to pass details. See examples of the callback usage below.
public Intervention\Image\Font file(string $filepath)
Set path to a True Type Font file or a integer value between 1 and 5 for one of the GD library internal fonts. Default: 1
public Intervention\Image\Font size(integer $size)
Set font size in pixels. Font sizing is only available if a font file is set and will be ignored otherwise. Default: 12
public Intervention\Image\Font color(mixed $color)
Set color of the text in one of the available color formats. Default: #000000
public Intervention\Image\Font align(string $align)
Set horizontal text alignment relative to given basepoint. Possible values are left, right and center. Default: left
public Intervention\Image\Font valign(string $valign)
Set vertical text alignment relative to given basepoint. Possible values are top, bottom and middle. Default: bottom
public Intervention\Image\Font angle(integer $angle)
Set rotation angle of text in degrees. Text will be rotated counter-clockwise around the vertical and horizontal aligned point. Rotation is only available if a font file is set and will be ignored otherwise. Default: no rotation
Instance of Intervention\Image\Image
// create Image from file
$img = Image::make('public/foo.jpg');
// write text
$img->text('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.');
// write text at position
$img->text('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 120, 100);
// use callback to define details
$img->text('foo', 0, 0, function($font) {
// draw transparent text
$img->text('foo', 0, 0, function($font) {
$font->color([255, 255, 255, 0.5]);