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Intervention Image

PHP Image Processing

3M Downloads / Month

Open Source MIT License

Intervention Image is the most popular open source PHP image processing library. It provides an easy and expressive way to edit images and supports PHP's two most common image processing libraries GD Library, Imagick or libvips.


  • Unified API for GD, Imagick or libvips
  • Processing of animated Images
  • Support for colorspaces and profiles
  • Support for text wrapping and line height in the font system
  • Improved architecture
  • PSR-12 standardized

The library is written to make PHP image manipulation easy and effortless. Whether you want to create image thumbnails, set watermarks, or format large image files, Intervention Image helps you accomplish any task with just a few lines of code.

Version 3 improves on the solid features and adds unique new details.

Code Example

use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;

// create image manager with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());

// read image from file system
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');

// resize image proportionally to 300px width
$image->scale(width: 300);

// insert watermark

// save modified image in new format 

The library follows the FIG PSR-12 standard to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code and is fully unit tested.

Read how to install Intervention Image.
