Image Output
Encode Images in Different Formats
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Open Source MIT License
3M Downloads / Month
Open Source MIT License
Learn how to encode images with Intervention Image, including support for various formats like JPEG, PNG, WebP, and AVIF. Discover versatile methods to encode by file path, media type, or file extension, with customization options.
public Image::encode(EncoderInterface $encoder = new AutoEncoder()): EncodedImage
This method encodes the image with the given encoder object. The following encoders are currently available.
If no encoder is passed the AutoEncoder
is used which will attempt to detect
the output format automatically according to the original format of the image.
Name | Type | Description |
encoder (optional) | EncoderInterface | Image encoder with which the image is transformed |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\Encoders\AutoEncoder;
use Intervention\Image\Encoders\WebpEncoder;
use Intervention\Image\Encoders\GifEncoder;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
// reading jpeg image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');
// encode as the originally read image format
$encoded = $image->encode(); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
// encode as the originally read image format but with a certain quality
$encoded = $image->encode(new AutoEncoder(quality: 10)); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
// encode jpeg as webp format
$encoded = $image->encode(new WebpEncoder(quality: 65)); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
// result will be gif format
$encoded = $image->encode(new GifEncoder()); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::encodeByMediaType(null|string|MediaType $type = null, mixed ...$options): EncodedImage
Encode an image to given media (mime) type.
If no media type is given the image will be encoded to the format of the originally read image's mime type.
Name | Type | Description |
type (optional) | null, string or MediaType | Target media (MIME) type into which the image is encoded. By default the original media type is used. |
options (optional) | mixed | Option parameters depending on the output format. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\MediaType;
// create new manager instance and read webp image
$image = new ImageManager(Driver::class)
// encoded result will be the same as original
$encoded = $image->encodeByMediaType();
// encoded result will be the same as original but with low quality
$encoded = $image->encodeByMediaType(quality: 10);
// encoded result will be in progressive jpeg format
$encoded = $image->encodeByMediaType('image/jpeg', progressive: true, quality: 20);
// result will be in gif format
$encoded = $image->encodeByMediaType('image/gif');
// or use member of MediaType enum
$encoded = $image->encodeByMediaType(MediaType::IMAGE_GIF);
public Image::encodeByPath(null|string $path = null, mixed ...$options): EncodedImage
Encode the image into the format represented by the extension of the given file path. Add an optional parameters to define encoder options. If no path is given the image will be encoded to the format of the originally read image.
Note that this method does not write the given path, but only uses this information to extract the target format.
Name | Type | Description |
path (optional) | null or string | File path from which the target format is extracted. By default the original file path is used. |
options (optional) | mixed | Option parameters depending on the output format. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
// image file path
$path = 'images/example.png';
// create new manager instance and read from path
$image = new ImageManager::imagick() ->read($path);
// encoded format will be the same as original
$encoded = $image->encodeByPath();
// resulting format will be the same as original but with low quality
$encoded = $image->encodeByPath(quality: 10);
// resulting format will jpeg because "jpg" represents jpeg format
$encoded = $image->encodeByPath('images/example.jpg', progressive: true, quality: 10);
// result will be gif format
$encoded = $image->encodeByPath('images/example.gif');
public Image::encodeByExtension(null|string|FileExtension $extension = null, mixed ...$options): EncodedImage
Encode the image into the format represented by the given file extension. Define the image quality with the optional second parameter. If no extension is given the image will be encoded to the format of the originally read image.
Name | Type | Description |
extension (optional) | null, string or FileExtension | File extension that determines the target format. By default the original file extension is used. |
options (optional) | mixed | Option parameters depending on the output format. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
// create new manager instance and read image
$image = new ImageManager::gd() ->read('example.jpg');
// resulting format will be the same as original
$encoded = $image->encodeByExtension();
// resulting format will be the same as original but with low quality
$encoded = $image->encodeByExtension(quality: 10);
// result will be jpeg format
$encoded = $image->encodeByExtension('jpg', progressive: true, quality: 10);
// result will be PNG format
$encoded = $image->encodeByExtension('png');
// alternatively use member of FileExtension enum
$encoded = $image->encodeByExtension(FileExtension::PNG);
There is a corresponding shortcut method for each image format, which can be called up directly from the image object.
public Image::toJpeg(int $quality = 75, bool $progressive = false, null|bool $strip = null): EncodedImage
Encode the current image instance in JPEG format in the given quality ranging between 0 for low quality to 100 for best quality.
Name | Type | Description |
quality (optional) | integer | Encoding quality ranging from 0 to 100 . By default 75. |
progressive (optional) | boolean | Option to encode the image in progressive Jpeg format. Disabled by default. |
strip | bool | (optional) Decides whether image meta data should be removed in the encoding process. Driver configuration value by default. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
// reading gif image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.gif');
// encoding jpeg data
$encoded = $image->toJpeg(90); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::toWebp(int $quality = 75, null|bool $strip = null): EncodedImage
Encode the current image instance in the WebP graphic format in the given quality ranging between 0 for low quality to 100 for best quality.
Name | Type | Description |
quality (optional) | integer | Encoding quality. 75 by default. |
strip | bool | (optional) Decides whether image meta data should be removed in the encoding process. Driver configuration value by default. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
// reading gif image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.gif');
// encoding jpeg data
$encoded = $image->toWebp(60); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::toPng(bool $interlaced = false, bool $indexed = false): EncodedImage
This method encodes the current image instance in PNG format. Further details
of the format can be defined via the parameters. It is possible to set the
encoding method for the PNG image to interlaced
, which means the image can be
progressively rendered; non-interlaced sequential saving is used here by
The second option indexed
determines whether the image is saved with an
indexed (limited) color palette. With this option, the colors are automatically
reduced, which results in smaller file sizes, but can also lead to a loss of
quality in the coloring. By default, the encoder always outputs truecolor
Please note that the GD driver for PNG output with indexed color palette only supports binary transparency. This means that colors can either be completely transparent or completely opaque. Semi-transparency is not possible with GD.
Name | Type | Description |
interlaced (optional) | bool | Option to encode the image interlaced. Disabled by default. |
indexed (optional) | bool | Option for encoding PNG format with an indexed color palette. True color (non-indexed) by default. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
// reading jpg image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');
// encoding as truecolor png image
$encoded = $image->toPng(); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
// encoding png format with and indexed color palette
$encoded = $image->toPng(indexed: true); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::toGif(bool $interlaced = false): EncodedImage
Encode the current image instance in GIF format.
Caution: The signature has changed in version 3.1 by removing the parameter color_limit
Name | Type | Description |
interlaced (optional) | bool | Option to encode the image interlaced. Disabled by default. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
// reading jpg image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');
// encoding gif data
$encoded = $image->toGif(); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::toBitmap(): EncodedImage
Encode the current image instance in Windows Bitmap format.
Caution: The signature has changed in version 3.1 by removing the parameter color_limit
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
// reading jpg image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');
// encoding bitmap data
$encoded = $image->toBmp(); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::toAvif(int $quality = 75): EncodedImage
Encode the current image instance in AVIF format in the given quality ranging between 0 for low quality to 100 for best quality.
Name | Type | Description |
quality (optional) | integer | Encoding quality. 75 by default. |
strip | bool | (optional) Decides whether image meta data should be removed in the encoding process. Driver configuration value by default. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
// reading jpg image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');
// encode avif image
$encoded = $image->toAvif(60); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::toTiff(int $quality = 75): EncodedImage
Encode the current image instance in TIFF format in the given quality ranging between 0 for low quality to 100 for best quality.
Name | Type | Description |
quality (optional) | integer | Encoding quality. 75 by default. |
strip | bool | (optional) Decides whether image meta data should be removed in the encoding process. Driver configuration value by default. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
// reading jpg image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');
// encode tiff format
$encoded = $image->toTiff(60); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::toJpeg2000(int $quality = 75): EncodedImage
Encode the current image instance in JPEG 2000 format in the given quality ranging between 0 for low quality to 100 for best quality.
Name | Type | Description |
quality (optional) | integer | Encoding quality. 75 by default. |
strip | bool | (optional) Decides whether image meta data should be removed in the encoding process. Driver configuration value by default. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = ImageManager::imagick();
// reading png format
$image = $manager->read('images/example.png');
// encode jpeg 2000 format
$encoded = $image->toJpeg2000(90); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
public Image::toHeic(int $quality = 75): EncodedImage
Encode the current image instance in HEIC format in the given quality ranging between 0 for low quality to 100 for best quality.
Name | Type | Description |
quality (optional) | integer | Encoding quality. 75 by default. |
strip | bool | (optional) Decides whether image meta data should be removed in the encoding process. Driver configuration value by default. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = ImageManager::imagick();
// reading png format
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');
// encode heic image
$encoded = $image->toHeic(60); // Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
The mentioned encoding methods return an Intervention\Image\EncodedImage
object. With this instance you can decide how to proceed with the encoded data.
public EncodedImage::__toString(): string
This method can be used to obtain the raw image data as type string. This is particularly useful if it is to be further processed with other libraries or transferred to remote data storage (such as S3).
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Just\An\Example\CloudStorage;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = ImageManager::imagick();
// resize gif image
$image = $manager
->scale(height: 200);
// encode in jpeg format and cast result as string
$imagedata = (string) $image->toJpeg();
// save to imaginary data service
CloudStorage::put('example.jpg', $imagedata);
public EncodedImage::save(string $filepath, mixed ...$options): void
This method writes the object's data to the given path in the local file system. The respective folder structure must already exist and be writable.
Name | Type | Description |
filepath | string | Path to file in filesystem. |
options (optional) | mixed | Option parameters depending on the output format. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
// reading gif image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.gif');
// save progressive jpeg file in low quality
$encoded = $image->toJpeg()->save('images/test.jpg', progressive: true, quality: 10);
public EncodedImage::toDataUri(): string
This method takes the already encoded image data and wraps it in an base64 encoded data uri scheme.
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
// reading gif image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.gif');
// encoding to gif data uri
$data_uri = $image->toGif()->toDataUri();
public EncodedImage::toFilePointer(): resource
Create a file pointer resource to handle the encoded image data.
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
// reading gif image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.gif');
// create file pointer
$pointer = $image->toJpeg()->toFilePointer();
public EncodedImage::mediaType(): string
This method returns the media (MIME) type of the encoded image.
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
// reading gif image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.gif');
// "image/jpeg"
$mimetype = $image->toJpeg()->mediaType();
public Image::save(null|string $path = null, mixed ...$options): ImageInterface
This method helps to initiate the saving process directly from the image object
without having to go via an EncodedImage
object and encodes & writes the
image data in one call.
The resulting image format is defined by the file extension of the given path. If no path is given the format of the originally read image will be used. Define the image quality by using the second parameter.
The encoded image is saved at the given path in the local file system. The respective folder structure must already exist and be writable.
In contrast to the other encoding methods, save()
returns an Image
object instead of an
Name | Type | Description |
path (optional) | null or string | File path from which the target format is extracted. By default the original path is used. |
options (optional) | mixed | Option parameters depending on the output format. |
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
// reading jpeg image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.jpg');
// overwrite file at "images/example.jpg" with low quality
$image->save(quality: 10);
// encode jpeg as png and save in a new file
// encode & save progressive jpeg in low quality
$image->save('images/example.jpg', quality: 10, progressive: true);