Image Formats

The readable image formats depend on the used driver. While with Imagick it is possible to read all formats that the library itself supports, with GD only some formats are readable and writable.

Format GD Imagick
Animated GIF
Animated WebP
JPEG 2000

Please note that not all image formats are always included in the PHP image extensions. It is therefore possible, that the GD library is installed but is built without Jpeg support or Imagick is available without Webp support for example.

Read more about encoding different image formats in the output section.

Check the Support for Image Formats

public DriverInterface::supports(string|Format|FileExtension|MediaType $identifier): bool

This method can be used to find out during runtime whether a specific format is supported. It checks whether the desired format is supported by the respective driver and whether the underlying extension was built with the corresponding support and returns true if both conditions apply.


Name Type Description
identifier string, Format, FileExtension or MediaType Identifier of the image format, which can be passed either as a file extension string, media type string or enum member.


use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\Format;
use Intervention\Image\MediaType;
use Intervention\Image\FileExtension;

// create new driver object
$driver = new Driver();

// check if jpeg format is supported by file extension
$result = $driver->supports('jpg');

// check if gif format is supported by media type
$result = $driver->supports('image/gif');

// check if png format is supported by enum member
$result = $driver->supports(Format::PNG);

// check if avif format is supported by enum member
$result = $driver->supports(MediaType::IMAGE_AVIF);

// check if tiff format is supported by enum member
$result = $driver->supports(FileExtension::TIFF);

Color Formats

The library supports several formats to define colors for its methods.

The input values for colors may differ from the actual color space of the image. Therefore, it is possible to draw on an image in CMYK space with an HSV color specification. The colors are automatically converted to the target color space.

Hexadecimal Format

You can pass colors as RGB hex triplets, which are commonly used in HTML and CSS. It's possible to use the shorthand as well as the full format with or without alpha channel. The leading # is optional.

use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;

// create new image with red background
$image = (new ImageManager(Driver::class))->create(300, 200)->fill('b53717');

// create new image with half transparent red background
$image = (new ImageManager(Driver::class))->create(300, 200)->fill('b5371766');

RGB Format

RGB string values in functional notations are also supported. If you want to include an alpha value use the RGBA prefix like in the following example.

use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;

// create new image with half transparent background
$image = (new ImageManager(Driver::class))->create(300, 200)->fill('rgba(15, 20, 255, .5)');

// create new image with red background
$image = (new ImageManager(Driver::class))->create(300, 200)->fill('rgb(255, 0, 0)');

CMYK Format

CMYK string values in functional notations are also supported.

use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;

// create new image with background
$image = (new ImageManager(Driver::class))->create(300, 200)->fill('cmyk(100, 100, 55, 60)');

HSV/HSB Format

It is also possible to pass color values strings in the RGB alternative HSV/HSB.

// create new image with half transparent background
$image = ImageManager::imagick()->read('example.jpg');

// draw colored pixel
$image->drawPixel(120, 200, 'hsv(230, 15, 75)');

HTML Color Names

Intervention Image can read colors from the extended 140 HTML color names from the W3C specification.

use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;

// create new image with half transparent background
$image = (new ImageManager(Driver::class))->create(300, 200)->fill('steelblue');


If it is necessary to specify transparency as a color, this can always be done with the keyword transparent.

$manager = ImageManager::gd();
$image = $manager->read('images/example.png');
$image->pad(300, 200, 'transparent');


The available color spaces are primarily determined by the driver used. The Imagick driver is compatible with RGB and CMYK color spaces, while the GD driver only supports RGB. The default color space for newly created images is RGB.

When using the GD driver in Intervention Image to read CMYK images, they will be automatically converted to the RGB color space, which may result in color deviations.

Since the GD driver does not support the CMYK color space by default, it is not recommended to use it with CMYK images.

Read how to read an modify colorspace in the section about Meta Information.

Converting Colors to Other Colorspaces or Formats

Colors can always be converted to the supported color spaces. This is possible even if the driver does not support that color space.

Although the two drivers only support RGB and CMYK color spaces, color objects can also be converted into the following formats.

  • Intervention\Image\Colors\Rgb\Colorspace
  • Intervention\Image\Colors\Cmyk\Colorspace
  • Intervention\Image\Colors\Hsv\Colorspace
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\Colors\Hsv\Colorspace as HsvColorspace;

// read RGB image from filesystem
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
$image = $manager->read('example.jpg');

// retrieve color of pixel at given position
$color = $image->pickColor(100, 100);

// convert color to HSV format
$color = (string) $color->convertTo(HsvColorspace::class); // 'hsv(220, 10, 65)'