
Draw Geometric Shapes on Images

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Open Source MIT License

Learn how to draw shapes and customize images with Intervention Image. Add colors, pixels, rectangles, circles, polygons, and bézier curves using a simple interface for precise and intuitive control.

Colors & Pixels

Fill Images with Color

public Image::fill(mixed $color, null|int $x = null, null|int $y = null): ImageInterface

Fills the current image with the passed color specification. Optionally it is possible to pass a position where the color fill should start. If these X and Y values are set the color will be applied with Flood Fill. This means that only colors that are at the specified position will be filled. If no position is passed, the whole image will be filled.


Name Type Description
color mixed Fill color in one of the different color formats
x int Optional x-coordinate of the filling position
y int Optional y-coordinate of the filling position


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;

// create new manager instance with desired driver
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);

// read an image
$image = $manager->read('images/example.png');

// flood fill image with color
$image = $image->fill('#b53717', 10, 10);

Draw Pixels

public Image::drawPixel(int $x, int $y, mixed $color = null): ImageInterface

Draw a single pixel at given position defined by the coordinates x and y in a given color.


Name Type Description
x integer Position of pixel on x-axis of the current image
y integer Position of pixel on y-axis of the current image
color mixed Color of the pixel in a valid format


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;

// create an test image from a file
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
$image = $manager->read('test.png');

// draw three pixels at different positions
$image->drawPixel(12, 30, 'ff00ff');
$image->drawPixel(100, 1, 'rgb(255, 255, 0)');
$image->drawPixel(200, 2, 'orange');

Geometric Shapes

Draw a Rectangle

public Image::drawRectangle(int $x, int $y, Closure|Rectangle $init): ImageInterface

Draw a colored rectangle on the current image with its top left position at the x, y coordinates. Define the overall appearance of the shape by passing a init callback as an optional parameter.


Name Type Description
x integer Position of the top left corner of the rectangle on x-axis of the current image
y integer Position of the top left corner of the rectangle on y-axis of the current image
init Closure or Intervention\Image\Geometry\Rectangle Callback to define the appearance of the rectangle or Rectangle object. See example.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\Geometry\Factories\RectangleFactory;

// create an test image from a file
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
$image = $manager->read('test.png');

// draw an orange rectangle with a border
$image->drawRectangle(10, 10, function (RectangleFactory $rectangle) {
    $rectangle->size(180, 125); // width & height of rectangle
    $rectangle->background('orange'); // background color of rectangle
    $rectangle->border('white', 2); // border color & size of rectangle

Draw Ellipses

public Image::drawEllipse(int $x, int $y, Closure|Ellipse $init): ImageInterface

Draw a colored ellipse on the current image with its center position at the x, y coordinates. Define the overall appearance of the shape by passing a init callback as an optional parameter.


Name Type Description
x integer Position of the center of the ellipse on x-axis of the current image
y integer Position of the center of the ellipse on y-axis of the current image
init Closure or Intervention\Image\Geometry\Ellipse Callback to define the appearance of the ellipse or Ellipse object. See example.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\Geometry\Factories\EllipseFactory;

// create an test image from a file
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
$image = $manager->read('test.png');

// draw a red ellipse with a blue border
$image->drawEllipse(10, 10, function (EllipseFactory $ellipse) {
    $ellipse->size(180, 125); // width & height of ellipse
    $ellipse->background('f00'); // background color
    $ellipse->border('00f', 1); // border color & size

Draw a Circle

public Image::drawCircle(int $x, int $y, Closure|Circle $init): ImageInterface

Draw a colored circle on the current image with its center position at the x, y coordinates. Define the overall appearance of the shape by passing a init callback as an optional parameter.


Name Type Description
x integer Position of the center of the circle on x-axis of the current image
y integer Position of the center of the circle on y-axis of the current image
init Closure or Intervention\Image\Geometry\Circle Callback to define the appearance of the circle or object. See example.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\Geometry\Factories\CircleFactory;

// create an test image from a file
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
$image = $manager->read('test.png');

// draw a green circle with a white border
$image->drawCircle(10, 10, function (CircleFactory $circle) {
    $circle->radius(150); // radius of circle in pixels
    $circle->background('lightblue'); // background color
    $circle->border('b53717', 1); // border color & size

Draw a Line

public Image::drawLine(Closure|Line $init): ImageInterface

Draw a line on the current image. Define the overall appearance of the shape by passing a init callback as an optional parameter.


Name Type Description
init Closure or Intervention\Image\Geometry\Line Callback to define the appearance of the line or line object. See example.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\Geometry\Factories\LineFactory;

// create an test image from a file
$manager = new ImageManager(Driver::class);
$image = $manager->read('test.png');

// draw a half transparent white line
$image->drawLine(function (LineFactory $line) {
    $line->from(10, 10); // starting point of line
    $line->to(300, 100); // ending point
    $line->color('ff00ff'); // color of line
    $line->width(5); // line width in pixels

Draw a Polygon

public Image::drawPolygon(Closure|Polygon $init): ImageInterface

Draw a polygon on the current image. Define the overall appearance of the shape by passing a init callback as an optional parameter.


Name Type Description
init Closure or Intervention\Image\Geometry\Polygon Callback to define the appearance of the polygon or polygon object. See example.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Drivers\Imagick\Driver;
use Intervention\Image\Geometry\Factories\PolygonFactory;

// create an test image from a file
$manager = new ImageManager(new Driver());
$image = $manager->read('test.png');

// draw a polygon
$image->drawPolygon(function (PolygonFactory $polygon) {
    $polygon->point(10, 10); // add point of polygon
    $polygon->point(150, 150); // add point
    $polygon->point(40, 180); // add point
    $polygon->point(60, 100); // add point
    $polygon->background('#b35187'); // background color
    $polygon->border('#ff0', 6); // border color and border width

Draw Bezier Curves

public Image::drawBezier(Closure|Bezier $init): ImageInterface

This method draws Bézier curves, the shape of which is defined by a set of control points specified in the callback. The type of curve drawn depends on the number of control points specified, which must be either three or four. With three control points, the result is a quadratic Bézier curve, while four points result in a cubic Bézier curve. The first and last control points define the start and end points of the curve.

The color, width and background color of the curve can also be set using the callback.


Name Type Description
init Closure or Intervention\Image\Geometry\Bezier Callback to define the appearance and position of the bézier curve or object. See example.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Geometry\Factories\BezierFactory;

// create a new image
$image = ImageManager::gd()
    ->create(500, 500)

// draw a yellow quadratic bezier curve with a filled red background
$image->drawBezier(function (BezierFactory $bezier) {
    $bezier->point(300, 260); // control point 1
    $bezier->point(150, 335); // control point 2
    $bezier->point(300, 410); // control point 3
    $bezier->background('f00'); // background color
    $bezier->border('ff0'); // border color

// draw a 4px red cubic bezier curve with four control points
$image->drawBezier(function (BezierFactory $bezier) {
    $bezier->point(50, 50); // control point 1
    $bezier->point(200, 50); // control point 2
    $bezier->point(150, 200); // control point 3
    $bezier->point(300, 200); // control point 4
    $bezier->border('ff0000', 4); // border color & size