Custom Modifiers

Group Image Modifications in Classes

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Open Source MIT License

Streamline image transformations architecture with custom modifiers in Intervention Image. Learn to group and reuse complex modifications using custom classes that implement the ModifierInterface.

All modifier calls can be stored as a combination in a custom image modifier class. This modifier defines which commands should be applied to an image instance, in which order, and with which arguments. This makes it easy to combine complex transformations into a single reusable call.

Intervention Image provides the simple Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ModifierInterface, which all modifiers need to implement.

Once you have created your own modifier, you can apply them by using the modify() method.

Custom Modifier Implementation

The following very simple example shows a custom modifier class that combines a grayscale and a pixelate effect.

use Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ModifierInterface;
use Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ImageInterface;

class MyCustomModifier implements ModifierInterface
    protected $size;

    public function __construct(int $size)
        $this->size = $size;

    public function apply(ImageInterface $image): ImageInterface

        return $image;

Applying Custom Modifiers

Once the custom modifier is implemented, you can easily apply it to an image instance.

public Image::modify(ModifierInterface $modifier): ImageInterface


Name Type Description
modifier Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ModifierInterface Modifier object


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;

// create new image instance
$image = ImageManager::imagick()->read('images/example.jpg');

// apply modifier
$image->modify(new MyCustomModifier(25));