
Cut out and resize a rectangular part of the current image

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You are viewing the documentation for Intervention Image 2, this version has reached end of life (EOL). Please consider upgrading to version 3.

public Intervention\Image\Image fit(int $width, [[int $height], [Closure $callback, [string $position]]])

Combine cropping and resizing to format image in a smart way. The method will find the best fitting aspect ratio of your given width and height on the current image automatically, cut it out and resize it to the given dimension. You may pass an optional Closure callback as third parameter, to prevent possible upsizing and a custom position of the cutout as fourth parameter.



The width the image will be resized to after cropping out the best fitting aspect ratio.

height (optional)

The height the image will be resized to after cropping out the best fitting aspect ratio. If no height is given, method will use same value as width.

callback (optional)

Closure callback defining constraint to prevent unwanted upsizing of the image. See examples below.

public Intervention\Image\Size upsize()

Keep image from being upsized.

position (optional)

Set a position where cutout will be positioned. By default the best fitting aspect ration is centered.

The possible values are:

  • top-left
  • top
  • top-right
  • left
  • center (default)
  • right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom
  • bottom-right

Return Values

Instance of Intervention\Image\Image


// open file a image resource
$img = Image::make('public/foo.jpg');

// crop the best fitting 5:3 (600x360) ratio and resize to 600x360 pixel
$img->fit(600, 360);

// crop the best fitting 1:1 ratio (200x200) and resize to 200x200 pixel

// add callback functionality to retain maximal original image size
$img->fit(800, 600, function ($constraint) {

See also
