
Reduce number of colors for the current image

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You are viewing the documentation for Intervention Image 2, this version has reached end of life (EOL). Please consider upgrading to version 3.

public Intervention\Image\Image limitColors(integer $count, [mixed $matte])

Method converts the existing colors of the current image into a color table with a given maximum count of colors. The function preserves as much alpha channel information as possible and blends transarent pixels against a optional matte color.



Maximum number of colors that should be retained in the color palette. Or null to convert to truecolor.

matte (optional)

A color to blend transparent pixels against. Can be defined in one of the different color formats. Default: no matte color

Return Values

Instance of Intervention\Image\Image


// open PNG-32 image from file
$img = Image::make('public/foo.png');

// limit colors to 255 (PNG-8) blending transparency against orange
$img->limitColors(255, '#ff9900');

See also
